Friday, August 31, 2007

Chi Town and Cleveland...


Chi town was rad as usual. We played The Subterranean.

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The only crappy part was the stairs that we had to lug our gear up.

There was a cool paper art work above the stage

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I don't have many pics of Chi because my batt died... Here is The Expendables playing

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Also, here's our buddy Jessica Machen who has been supporting us since the beginning!

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Here's a pic that I thought was pretty damn funny...

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After the show I headed to Burbank. I had to eat at Geo's. They have Garlic Fries that stick with ya' for a week and killer Italian beef and gyros... the problem was that it was closed!!

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We played tonight at The Agora Theatre. It smack dab in the ghetto!

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I went to pick up some chew from the corner store and found a man behind a bulletproof window that had been tested... no really...

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Before the show we ate delivered Chinese. Here are Geoff (Singer Expendables) and Shaun grubbing...

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I had the sweet and sour chicken. It was like eight bucks for a pound. Awesome!

Here's something exciting... I did my laundry for free in the basement. You'd be surprised how invaluable clean droors are on the road.

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While my clothes were drying, I explored the dark passages in the basement. Nothing to cool unfortunately.

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When the clothes were done, I found Jim recording with Raul. Raul was laying down some blues for Jim's techno song.

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Johnny Mohawk and The Assassins were the local opener tonight. They're great and helped us by lending us their equipment the last time we played Cleveland.

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When we played, I decided to get another pic during Drunken Sailor...

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Our buddies Pete and Reggie came from NY to see us... we love these guys!!

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Well... on to D town tomorrow!


Thursday, August 30, 2007



Yesterday we played The Varsity in Dinky Town, MN.

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It took us forever to get there because the bridge is still out. Man that was a sight. Here is a pic of them sifting through the water for debris and evidence.

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Here is some of the debris...

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Here is the bummer scene...

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It's sad.

On a happier note, the show was a lot of fun. It was a very small show but still great nonetheless. The venue was unique and we met up with a fan Samantha, who has been comin' to see us since she was 15, now 21. It was cool to see her.

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I took this one while I was playing Drunken Sailor, I hold the D note and had a free hand.

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Here's the note... hehehehe

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The show went off without a hitch until we left. Bryan pulled out and didn't notice that a 10 speed was digging into our trailer's sidewall... whoops!!

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Since Bryan's wife was in town, I volunteered to take the Trailer into Sears to get a new one at 6 AM before we had to leave. This is where the story gets interesting. While I was waiting at dawn for the shop to open I noticed two beautiful buildings. I took some pics of them...

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Normal enough... then I noticed something weird. There we're two strangely placed fire alarms on the wall of actual Sears building across from the Sears Tire.

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Upon further inspection I discovered that they were actually Freemason symbols. It has a "G" surrounded by a perfect triangle. The "G" stands for "Geometry" or "Great Architect".

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This is a variation of the classic "square and compass"

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Anyway, not yet knowing what a Siamese Connection was I looked 575 feet due east and saw this...

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I thought that I was transported to Egypt... Then I remembered how the "Twin Cities" were constructed by the Freemasons. I also realized when I was standing directly between the two guiding "fire alarms" the points of the two beautiful buildings and the "pyramid" formed and isosceles triangle, not unlike the same form that can be seen in the building in to the right of the guiding points...


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With triangular "clue"

Guiding Point:

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from which could clearly see the center of the triangle...


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and finally the building beyond the "pyramid"...

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A Siamese Connection is a common fire-plumbing facet...

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Which is clever sign to put under "fire alarms". But Siamese Connection also refers to the connection of the two cities St. Paul and Minneapolis... as conjoined sisters..

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I snooped around the "pyramid" which is now a Lutheran Church. I was expecting the corner stone to have an A.L. (Anno Lucius of the Freemason calendar) but to my surprised there was a newer stone in place with an A.D. (Anno Domine of the Christian calendar)

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Here's is the view of the church from the front...

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also notice to the side the two structures that used to be obelisques...

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not unlike the common Freemason Temple...

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I also noticed that the rising sun and setting moon were directly situated equally to the east and west of the obelisk that I was shooting, leading me to believe I was meant to find this "retired" Freemason Temple.

And finally, one last note to make you think I'm nuts. I noticed that in order to see the triangulation of the three buildings, I needed the guiding markers to see the "pyramid" in its optically triangular form. Here's a picture looking at the "pyramid" from the west away from the "fire alarms"...

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I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say that this is the exact middle point of the "Twin Cities". Who knows?... there may a conduit within the "pyramid" that one may use to freely maneuver between the two cities as well. We may never know... I READ TOO MUCH DAN BROWN.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Boulder, CO... WHAT A NIGHT!!

Hey All,

Boulder was insane!!! Besides being one of our best markets, Boulder was also the landing pad for Bryan's birthday party. We always have a great time here, no doubt! Also, I'm stoked because my Elf camera arrived via Melissa by part of my wife thus the picture quality is superb. So, without further a due... here we go!

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We played at the fox which is always an awesome venue. Great sound... great crowd.

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The Supervillains we're running late because their trailer axle seized up from lack of bearing grease. Damn that had to be scary. The trailer fishtailed and whacked the side of their RV which left the trailer demolished yet the equipment intact and in working order. Below you'll see the RV, still in working order and parked in the mix of foliage and buildings, a scene not uncommon in Boulder.

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The Supervillains and The Expendables are a great bunch of guys. I will introduce them as we go. JOHN, DAN and EMO of the Villians:

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This is Shaun Logan and Raul. Shaun is a second-degree blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do and Raul is double for Leonidus in the movie 300:

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Shaun also does all of The Expendables artwork, including their killer backdrop:

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Before the show it was set up time. Here I am stringing up my Fender guit with Dean Markley strings... THANK YOU VERY MUCH Billy of Fender and David of Dean Markley (some of my sponsors!)

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Melissa thought that the superior picture did not truly reflect my "punk rawk" nature and prompted me to look cooler for this next one! hehehe:

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Here's DJ of the Zero Crew and John "Young Buck" settin' up:

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Young Buck is from one of the islands in the Caribe and we speak Spanish together although he speaks "Poriqua" (Puerto Rican style Spanish)... we manage to understand each other. He's a mad surfer and has a killer band. He runs merch and techs of the Villains. Check out his @#$%

Here's Kyle settin' up for The Expendables. He also runs merch. I always see him startin' up a pit for us when the action is gettin' to a lull. Never a dull moment...

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After all of the equipment was ready to go. Bryan and Jim of the ZC and Raul started jammin' so that Donnovan could get some tones and start mixing:

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I had to get a pic of Dono... his stomach tatt says "Chub Life" He's Sound Guy/Manager of The Expendables:

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After we were done goofing around, Ryan and Raul took over to soundcheck. These guys are really killer musicians:

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gimme my Bass bry!!

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Raul and I goofin' around...

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After set up came the show and Bryan's festivities. The Expendables put on a killer set:

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Jason sings with the guys and Jim does a song as well. Here's Jim helpin' Adam out by playing some Timbal on a joint:

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It's always rad in CO. We have a ton of friends. Greg and Cassy showed up. Greg actually filled in for Jim for a week on our Zebrahead run:

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My wife's buddy came and bought J a shot, thanks Chuck!

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Also Nat and Flo showed up to help Bry on his quest for drunkness!! Don't worry Heather, they're harmless, we've known 'em for years!! ;)

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After the show, Emo and I packed our trailer with two band's gear, us and the Villians, damn that thing is about to burst:

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Wait... we can fit more:

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Gotta help 'em out till they get a new trailer.

After the show came the inevitable after party at The Sink. Bry got tore up and so did the rest of the crew. I, being the DD got to be the photo terrorist!! hehehe!!

Here's Bry walking to the after party. It's his impression of a "Tree Hugger" although a suspect he was using the tree to keep from falling.

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After Bry crashed... J and I went to yet another bar. Damn these guys are like the Energizer bunny when it comes to the sauce!!

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While Jason and I were there with Flo, Nat, Ryan and Adam we saw some drunks jumping off of the roof into a pool at the bar. This pool was more like a moat or cesspool. It appeared to not have had the water change in a month. Seriously, no sober person would have ever dared to enter these waters!!

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When the final beer o'clock arrived we said "later" to our friends and headed back to Denver to sleep for a couple of hours before continuing on to Kansas. WHAT A NIGHT!!

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Later Boulder!

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